If you become aware of an unwanted reaction to a preparation or if you encounter a problem - please contact us



We are very concerned about people's health and safety when using our medicines, which is why Cytomed has a pharmacovigilance system. Anyone can write to us if something has gone wrong.

For example:

  • There is an adverse reaction that may be related to the use of the medicine
  • There are suspicions about the authenticity of the medicine
  • There was an overdose of a medicine

Even if you are not sure whether an adverse reaction is related to our product, please let us know as soon as possible. It is important for us to receive information promptly so that we can make changes in time to maintain the high quality of our products and the comfort of our customers.

Cytomed takes care of its product safety at each step of the product development and after it has been introduced into clinical practice.

Our PRIME OBJECTIVE is patient safety and doctor confidence in the efficacy of our products. Should you have any doubt in the quality of Cytomed product, please call +7(812) 602-05-93 or email to farmakonadzor@cytomed.ru stating the reason of suspicion, product name and batch number, country, city and place of product purchase.

Please attach a good quality photograph of the packaging and your contact information (name and phone number).