If you become aware of an unwanted reaction to a preparation or if you encounter a problem - please contact us


We are a full-scale pharmaceutical company with a wide range of activities, each with an important role to play. The common denominator in all our areas is people, because it is they who develop the products that bring health and beauty to thousands of lives every day.

Pharmaceutical production

Производство препаратов

We have developed 13 unique medicines to help people stay healthy.

We ensure high quality and product safety in our work. Cytomed has a fully integrated production of medicines, we purchase raw materials only from trusted suppliers.

We care about the convenience of medicines, which is why we make them in a variety of forms, from powders to suppositories. We also conduct regular research based on the principle of evidence-based medicine and adhere to impeccable standards.

Trust in Cytomed is the result of GxP (Good Laboratory Practice, Good Clinical Practice, Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Service Practice, Good Distribution Practice), which guarantees the safety and efficacy of our products.

We have built plants that comply with all production regulations and equipped our laboratories with modern equipment so that there can be no doubt about our products. Highly qualified international specialists monitor the reliability of our products and the quality system is confirmed by regular inspections.

Производство препаратов


JSC "Medico-biological research and production complex "Cytomed" on the territory of "Novoorlovskaya" (SEZ «Saint-Petersburg», Russia)

197375, Orlovo-Denisovsky prospect, 14, building 1.
Address for letters: 199004, St. Petersburg, 4th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 11.

Phone number: +7 (812) 602-05-93
Telephone hotline: 8 (800) 505 03 01
Email: info@cytomed.ru

Location map

Pharmaceutical plant Cytomed OY (Lappeenranta, Finland)

Laastitie 1, 55300
Rauha, Finland

Address for letters: 199004, St. Petersburg, 4th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 11.
