By viewing any page of the Website you express agreement to all the following terms and conditions. Please refrain from using the Website in case you do not agree to the conditions.
Although MBSPC Cytomed works hard to provide timely updates of the information published on the Website along with correction of possible technical failures and factual mistakes, MBSPC Cytomed offers no guarantees and makes no claims (neither explicitly nor implicitly) regarding accuracy, completeness or relevance of information presented on the Website; likewise, it denies any responsibility for using the Website or any other web page accessible via links published on the Website.
MBSPC Cytomed is entitled to modify content and appearance of the Website, as well as to suspend or abort Website operation anytime without advance notice, although by doing so the company undertakes no obligations for regular updating of the latter.
Perception of the published information may depend on various factors including scientific, business-related, economic and financial ones. Therefore, the Website visitor should acknowledge and assume the risk attributed to incorrect understanding and interpretation of the presented information.
The visitor agrees that access and use of the Website, as well as any other web page accessible via links published on the Website, including its content, is performed on his/her personal responsibility. MBSPC Cytomed, as well as any other company which took part in developing or providing access to the Website or any web page accessible via links published on the Website, does not and will not bear responsibility for any direct, accidental, indirect or penal harm inflicted to your electronic equipment, any other property or a third party due to accessing, using or inability to use the Website or any web page accessible via links published on the Website, as well as due to any errors of inaccuracies of the information presented on these websites. Moreover, the visitors must not use the information featured on the Website in the way of medical advice or recommendations.
All information featured on the Website is public; it is exclusively intended for informational purposes and cannot be considered as a public offer or inducement towards purchasing MBSPC Cytomed goods, services or securities, and must not be used by the company’s partners and clients as grounds for making any decisions (including investment-related ones).
The Website may contain information regarding the future. Such information is rather indefinite and liable to considerable influence of various factors, including scientific, business-related, economic and financial ones; therefore, factual results may considerably differ from those presented on the Website.
All links to third-party web pages published on the Website are intended for the visitors’ convenience only. MBSPC Cytomed in no way intends to state its attitude or any other opinion regarding the content of so linked third-party web pages, and will not bear responsibility for information presented there or any consequences of its potential use.
All trademarks used on the Website are owned or licensed by MBSPC Cytomed. The Website and all the information published or mentioned there are provided for informational purposes only. Terms and conditions for using the materials of the MBSPC Cytomed Website( are determined by Terms and Conditions for Using the Website Materials.
Reproduction, transfer, replication, distribution and use of the information, images and audio data presented on the Website, as well as providing links to such materials, performed in violation of Terms and Conditions for Using the Website Materials or in other ways not covered by the present Agreement, is forbidden unless MBSPC Cytomed provides a written approval.
MBSPC Cytomed respects your right to confidentiality. Visiting the majority of the Website sections does not require registration, and you can use the Website without identifying yourself. Certain sections of the Website are intended exclusively for medical and pharmaceutical professionals, some other sections require your personal data (filling particular boxes is compulsory). MBSPC Cytomed guarantees protection of your personal data confidentiality. Refer to Corporate Confidentiality Policy for details.
MBSPC Cytomed has a right to unilaterally modify this Legal Agreement anytime with no special notice. A new version of the Legal Agreement comes into effect from the moment it is published on the website.
Information related to MBSPC Cytomed pharmaceuticals is intended solely for introducing the products; it is not a guideline for self-diagnosing or self-treatment; it must not be used in the way of medical advice or recommendations. MBSPC Cytomed bears no responsibility for possible harm to your health in case of self-administered therapy with prescription medicines (in absence of a preliminary personal consultation with a healthcare professional).
Certain sections of the MBSPC Cytomed Website provide information on prescription medicines, their properties, modes of administration and potential contraindications exclusively to healthcare professionals (i.e., to people who received higher or secondary medical education). In case you are not a healthcare professional and view these pages in violation of the present conditions, MBSPC Cytomed bears no responsibility for potential harmful consequences resulting from using the Website information in absence of a preliminary consultation with a healthcare professional. You are performing it on your own account, consciously, and full understanding that administration of prescription medicines is only possible after a preliminary consultation with a healthcare professional.