If you become aware of an unwanted reaction to a preparation or if you encounter a problem - please contact us


We are a full-scale pharmaceutical company with a wide range of activities, each with an important role to play. The common denominator in all our areas is people, because it is they who develop the products that bring health and beauty to thousands of lives every day.

Active ingredients for cosmetics

Активы для косметики

We offer formulation development and production of active ingredients for cosmetics containing peptides for the effective development of the Russian cosmetic and aesthetic medicine market. Cytomed is committed to the principles of Green Chemistry: we care not only about human health, but also about the environment.

В производстве используются вещества наиболее безопасные для здоровья человека и окружающей среды
Our production uses ingredients that are the safest for human health and the environment
В процессе синтеза применяются безвредные растворители и реагенты
The synthesis process uses harmless solvents and reagents
Исключается сырье, выделенное из биологических материалов человека и животных
Raw materials isolated from human and animal biologicals are excluded
Весь процесс работы тщательно контролируется для обеспечения высочайшего качества и безопасности
The entire process is carefully monitored to ensure the highest quality and safety

Take a look at the active ingredients we have already developed



JSC "Medico-biological research and production complex "Cytomed" on the territory of "Novoorlovskaya" (SEZ «Saint-Petersburg», Russia)

197375, Orlovo-Denisovsky prospect, 14, building 1.
Address for letters: 199004, St. Petersburg, 4th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 11.

Phone number: +7 (812) 602-05-93
Telephone hotline: 8 (800) 505 03 01
Email: info@cytomed.ru

Location map

On the acquisition of active components
Email: active@cytomed.ru
